Harnessing Personality and Skills Assessments for Entrepreneurial Success

Paul Segreto
4 min readMay 19, 2024

Personality and skills tests, such as DISC, Kolbe, and others, can be invaluable tools for entrepreneurs. These assessments provide insights into individual strengths, weaknesses, and working styles, which are crucial for building a cohesive and effective team. For entrepreneurs, understanding these dimensions can significantly impact decision-making, team dynamics, and overall business success.

Taking and evaluating various personality and skills tests allows entrepreneurs to gain a deeper understanding of their own working styles and tendencies. For instance, the DISC assessment categorizes individuals into four primary personality types: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. Knowing whether one is a decisive, risk-taking leader (Dominance) or a detail-oriented, analytical thinker (Conscientiousness) helps in aligning personal strengths with business strategies. The Kolbe Index, which measures conative abilities or natural instincts, can reveal how an entrepreneur naturally approaches problem-solving and tasks. This self-awareness can guide entrepreneurs in choosing business ventures that play to their strengths and in areas where they might need additional support.

Evaluating personality and skills tests extends beyond self-assessment to building a well-rounded team. By understanding the various personality types and working styles of team members, entrepreneurs can create a balanced and complementary leadership team. For example, pairing a visionary, big-picture thinker with a detail-oriented planner can ensure that both innovative ideas and meticulous execution are present within the team. This balance can lead to more effective decision-making and problem-solving, as diverse perspectives and approaches are integrated.

For instance, the Kolbe A Index measures an individual’s natural instincts in problem-solving and task management. My personal 8–5–4–2 score in the Kolbe Index refers to the four action modes measured by this assessment:

  1. Fact Finder (8): This score indicates a strong preference for gathering and analyzing information. Entrepreneurs with this score excel at in-depth research, detailed analysis, and data-driven decision-making. They are thorough in understanding the nuances of problems and are reliable in their quest for factual accuracy.
  2. Follow Thru (5): This moderate score suggests a balanced approach to organizing and systematizing. Entrepreneurs with this score can maintain systems and structures but also have the flexibility to adapt when necessary. They are not overly rigid but can create and follow processes as needed.
  3. Quick Start (4): This score shows a slight inclination towards improvisation and risk-taking. Entrepreneurs with this score are somewhat comfortable with change and uncertainty but prefer to have some level of predictability and structure. They can innovate but usually within a known framework.
  4. Implementor (2): This low score indicates limited preference for dealing with physical space, tangible solutions, or hands-on approaches. These entrepreneurs are less likely to engage in activities requiring physical manipulation or construction of models and prototypes.


  • In-depth Analysis: Their strong Fact Finder tendency means they can delve deeply into issues, ensuring decisions are well-informed and based on comprehensive data.
  • Balanced Organization: They can organize without being too constrained by routines, allowing for adaptability and efficiency in managing projects.

Focus Areas

  • Strategic Decision-Making: They should leverage their analytical skills to make strategic decisions, especially in complex scenarios where data and facts are crucial.
  • Balancing Innovation with Stability: With their moderate Quick Start score, focusing on balancing innovative ideas with a stable, predictable approach will be beneficial.

Areas for Improvement

  • Physical Engagement: Increasing their engagement with physical or hands-on tasks might help them better understand and appreciate the tangible aspects of their business or product development.
  • Flexibility in Risk-Taking: While they are somewhat open to new ideas, pushing themselves to be more comfortable with uncertainty and more spontaneous changes could lead to greater innovation and opportunities.

By understanding these dynamics, I can better leverage my strengths and address areas that may require growth or support from others with complementary skills.

Points to Consider

Three key points should be considered when using these assessments to build a team:

First, diversity in strengths and working styles is crucial. A team composed solely of individuals with similar strengths and personalities may struggle with blind spots and groupthink. By incorporating a range of personalities and skills, entrepreneurs can foster a more dynamic and innovative environment. Diversity in thinking and problem-solving approaches can drive creativity and adaptability, which are essential for navigating the complexities of running a business.

Second, communication and collaboration are enhanced when team members understand each other’s personalities and working styles. Personality assessments can provide a common language for discussing differences and preferences, reducing misunderstandings and conflicts. For instance, knowing that a colleague is high in Conscientiousness might explain their need for detailed information and thorough planning. This understanding can lead to more effective communication strategies and a more harmonious work environment.

Third, ongoing evaluation and development are important. Personality and skills assessments should not be a one-time exercise. As the business grows and evolves, so do the roles and dynamics within the team. Regularly revisiting these assessments can help in adjusting roles, responsibilities, and team composition to align with current needs and future goals. It also provides opportunities for team members to develop their skills and adapt to new challenges, fostering continuous improvement and resilience.

In conclusion, personality and skills tests like DISC and Kolbe offer significant benefits for entrepreneurs. They enhance self-awareness, guide the building of balanced and effective teams, and improve communication and collaboration. By embracing these tools and regularly reflecting on the insights they provide, entrepreneurs can create a robust foundation for their business’s success.

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Support for Entrepreneurs

If you’re an entrepreneur that needs assistance or someone to talk to, please contact Paul Segreto by text at (832) 797–9851 or via email to paul@acceler8success.com. Please, don’t hesitate!



Paul Segreto

Franchises & Restaurants | Management & Development Consulting | Entrepreneurship Coaching | Visionary Thought Leader | CEO & Founder