Hispanic Heritage Month Continues: Let’s ALL Participate in the Celebration

Paul Segreto
8 min readSep 23, 2022


Photo Credit: Pittsburgh Legal Diversity & Inclusion Coalition

As a reminder, Hispanic Heritage Month is September 15 to October 15. I just wanted to be sure to remind everyone that it does not end at the end of September as monthly celebrations are typically observed within a calendar month. The celebration continues into mid-October so please do your part to participate in this event.

I am please to see a great deal of news coverage around Hispanic Heritage Month. More so than I originally thought might be the case. To see a seemingly endless stream of articles, I suggest doing a search of the event on Google under the News tab.

It’s interesting to read various accounts of the journey to America by Hispanics, many success stories about sacrifice for their children, and heartwarming examples of their unwavering work ethic. As well, it was interesting to see some negative news about companies and organizations that really did not give much thought to the information they had shared about the event.

For instance, the National Football League (NFL) got roasted on Twitter for their lackluster efforts to recognize Hispanic Heritage Month. Latino and Hispanic users called the NFL logo design for the event lazy and bombarded the NFL’s tweet with memes. Others cited the poor grammar by the NFL. I’d say that attention to detail certainly appeared to be lacking at the NFL.

All in all, the celebration has been very positive and front and center thus far, as it should. I was particularly fond of a FOX News article (opinion) by Claudia Romo Edelman, Why Hispanic Heritage Month matters more than ever. I felt it was written from the heart, a very proud heart…

“Hispanics are the second-largest population group in our great country and we are strong believers in the American Dream.

I’ve been asked more than a few times both by Hispanics and non-Hispanics whether it is still needed, relevant, or meaningful more than 50 years after it was established.

The answer is not only yes, but now more so than ever. For Hispanics, it is a time of taking stock of where we are today, a month of pride and celebration, a rallying call to unite around our shared values and dreams.

For non-Hispanics, it is a window into a community whose incredible diversity makes it hard to connect the dots in a way that tells a cohesive story. And there is one.

For all our differences in race, origin, religion, politics, occupation, socioeconomic status, and every other demographic and belief, the truth is that the Hispanic community comes together around one principle.

We all believe in the American Dream. Whether our ancestors were among the first settlers in America or arrived last year, our lives and ambitions are shaped and guided by the values that drive our great nation.”

Helping Hispanics Achieve the American Dream

A few months ago, I announced that we’re very excited to partner once again with Michael Dermer and The Lonely Entrepreneur. I thought it prudent today to remind everyone once again of their newest project, The Hispanic Entrepreneur Initiative. This initiative is of major interest to Acceler8Success Group as we continue to build upon a growing list of clients from Mexico and Latin America whose interests focus on entrepreneurship in the U.S.

With a goal of empowering 100,00 Hispanic entrepreneurs, Hispanic entrepreneurs will be provided with free access to The Lonely Entrepreneur Learning Community — a one stop shop for the knowledge, tools and support an individual needs to start or grow a business. This access is provided free due to the financial contributions of corporations, philanthropies, individuals, and economic development organizations.

Supporters include UPS, Microsoft, US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, HISPA and Molson Coors and the initiative has been endorsed by over 50 Hispanic leaders including:

  • Dr. Juan Andrade, Jr. (President, US Hispanic Leadership Institute, Recipient — Presidential Citizen’s Medal)
  • Luis Ubinas (Investor, Entrepreneur, Past President — Ford Foundation, Past President — Pan American Development Foundation)
  • Dr. Loui Olivas (Professor Emeriti, W.P. Carey School of Business At Arizona State University)

The challenges for entrepreneurs in general are great. The challenges for Hispanic entrepreneurs are even greater. And there isn’t just one “Hispanic” entrepreneur — there are entrepreneurs from various countries that face some of the same — but some different — challenges and opportunities.

In addition to lack of access to capital, many Hispanic entrepreneurs possess passion and great ideas but lack access to the knowledge and support they need to succeed.

With the help from corporations, philanthropies, individuals, and economic development organizations, the Hispanic Entrepreneur Initiative will change that by putting the tools in the hands of 100,000 Hispanic entrepreneurs.

How it Works

In this initiative, organizations sponsor a certain number of Hispanic entrepreneurs who receive free access to The Lonely Entrepreneur Learning Community — a one stop shop for the knowledge, tools and support a current or aspiring Hispanic entrepreneur needs to start or grow a business. The platform addresses both the business and personal issues Hispanic entrepreneurs face and provides multiple ways for Hispanic entrepreneurs to get the answers they need:

• Knowledge: 500 learning modules that cover both the business and personal issues entrepreneurs face including issues Hispanic entrepreneurs face

• Tools: 100s of templates (e.g., business plans, legal agreements) and reviews of the top vendors and solution providers they need (e.g., accounting software) including Ongoing Support via Two Channels: multiple ways to solve their pressing challenges, Guidance from the TLE Team in Our Community: where entrepreneurs can ask questions and get answers from members of the TLE Team, Group Coaching: entrepreneurs can sign up for an unlimited number of group coaching sessions on the various business and personal issues they face. If they miss sessions, recordings are available for future reference at any time.

• Funding Sources: 150+ funding sources available for entrepreneurs

• Vendors: 50+ vendor reviews, discounts and a list of “vetted vendors” (including some free resources)

• Procurement Opportunities: 150+ opportunities made available by large organizations

• Business and Personal Issues: our program not only covers business issues, but all the personal issues entrepreneurs face (dealing with stress, ego and humility, leading)

• Daily Perspective: an entrepreneurial “tip” sent to every individual each day

• Access: 24/7 access from any desktop or mobile device

Having the Learning Community at every step of the journey significantly increases their chance of success.

The Needs of Different Hispanic Entrepreneurs

There isn’t just one “Hispanic” entrepreneur. There are native born and immigrant entrepreneurs from various countries that face some of the same — but some different — challenges and opportunities. In addition to providing answers for the issues facing all Hispanic entrepreneurs, the initiative addresses the issues and opportunities faced by the different Hispanic entrepreneurs, including entrepreneurs from: Mexico, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Venezuela, Guatemala, Cuba, Chile, Spain, El Salvador, and Peru.

Program Supporters

The initiative has gotten off to a fast start with programs launched by major corporations including:

• Microsoft empowering Hispanic entrepreneurs in El Paso Texas as reported in El Diario Mx and on television

• UPS launching its program at the L’Attitude 2021 conference to empower Hispanic entrepreneurs

• US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Benefits of the Program

There are multiple benefits to the program:

• Help Entrepreneurs: provide individuals with the knowledge, tools and support they need

• Proven Success: the program has been implemented successfully by a vast array of corporations, governments and charitable organizations

• Scalability: the ability to put the tools in the hands of a large number of individuals quickly

• Branding: various elements of the program would be branded including landing pages, access to the leaning assets and a group in the online community.

• Minimal Effort on Your Part: the program is turn-key and is executed with minimal lift on your part

• Turn-Key Execution: you are investing in a program that delivers turn-key execution

• Marketing Opportunities: making a program like this available and the success stories that come from it are powerful marketing opportunities

• Flexibility: to apply to the specific type, geography or group of entrepreneurs

• Measurement: the ability to measure activity and impact of the program

The program provides the opportunity to quickly get tools in the hands of a large number of current and aspiring small business owners.

Integrated Marketing to Highlight Impact

The TLE Team works with supporter marketing teams to maximize the impact on their public image:

• Public Relations: coordinated communications with media outlets to highlight supporter efforts

• Social Media: ongoing social media activities to show the impact supporter is having

• Success Stories: to be used in marketing and to inspire supporter audiences

Endorsements from Leaders

A coalition of stewards of the Hispanic community have endorsed the Hispanic Entrepreneur Initiative:

• Yvette Donado (former Chief Diversity Officer of ETS; Hispanic Magazine, 50 Most Influential Hispanics)

• Marcel Portmann (Latin America Advisor for +70 global brands; liaison to Inter-American Development Bank (IADB); former Vice President of Emerging Markets, International Franchise)

• Dr. Pilar Nava-Parada, (Philanthropist and Leader For Women Entrepreneurs with Mexican Origin)

• Dr. Joy Nicole Martínez (Raised $240m for nonprofits; inaugural member of Peace50 Community; Director, World Woman Foundation)

• Andrés Guardado, (Mexican Football star and his wife Sandra De La Vega)

• Sheila Ivelisse Borges, (Managing Director, Research, at Rutgers University; former Assistant Director — NYU Adjunct Professor/STEM Educator/Diversity & Equity — Columbia University in New York City)

• Gabriel Brodbar, (Social Impact Leader; former Executive Director, NYU Social Entrepreneurship Program)

• Nepherter Estrada (Charlotte Business Journal 40 Under 40 Honoree)

• Catherine Milone, (President, Junior Achievement of New Jersey)

• Ivonne Díaz-Claisse (Founder/CEO, Hispanics Inspiring Students’ Performance and Achievement (HISPA)

… and other notable Hispanic leaders.

Measuring the Impact

Three different areas are measured to ensure that current and aspiring entrepreneurs are getting the value of the Learning Community and moving toward the achievement of business results:

• Engagement — engage with the Learning Community and fellow entrepreneurs

• Achieve Key Business Activities — achieve business activities and improvements that are necessary steppingstones to achieving business results (e.g., form a company, prepare financials)

• Achieve Business Results — achieve key business results (e.g., increase revenue)

Each day, entrepreneurs in the program improve their chance of success.

For more information about this exciting initiative and how you and/or your organization can participate, please reach out to me or Acceler8Success Group president, Erik Premont on LinkedIn. Or, if you prefer, please send either of us an email to Paul@Acceler8Success.com or Erik@Acceler8Success.com. We look forward to helping to make a difference for Hispanic Entrepreneurs everywhere.

Have a great day. Make it happen. Make it count!



Paul Segreto

Passionate about igniting entrepreneurial spirit and empowering others to achieve the American Dream.