Sunday Night Motivation & Inspiration

Paul Segreto
3 min readAug 28, 2022


As I had previously mentioned, Sundays at Acceler8Success Cafe are now focused on providing motivation and inspiration for the week ahead. My goal is to provide a positive foundation for the week that will complement the weekday activities at Acceler8Success Cafe, My intent is to do so as an extension of my commitment to helping current and aspiring entrepreneurs achieve and accelerate their success.

Sunday Night Motivation & Inspiration

Here’s a situation that I had personally witnessed six or seven years ago…

While at the grocery store, I had noticed a very young girl shopping with her father. I believe she was 3–4 years old. She was pushing the small kids’ shopping cart while walking behind him. Well, the father turns around and notices that his daughter is making a very scrunched up face. It appeared she was trying her hardest at changing her expression from bad to worse.

After a few seconds of chuckling, he asked her why she was making such mean and angry looking faces? Appearing to be unphased by the question and while still attempting various expressions of disdain, she politely replied that she was just trying to look like everyone else in the store!

Yep, I guess we, as a society do need to smile more because the generations coming up behind us do take notice. We do need to create the best impressions and set the best examples possible because we are being watched and copied!

I believe the same is true of the next generations coming up behind us in the workplace. It’s up to us as leaders within an organization to set the right example, not only with the expressions on our faces, but with our attitudes, our respect for others, and our interactions with all whom we’re in contact with on a daily basis. We must lead by example.

Doing so goes a long way toward ensuring similar efforts will be extended to all whom come in contact with our businesses. It will also establish a cornerstone of developing the right culture within our organizations.

The results will be a ripple effect of minimizing challenges and problems other organizations are experiencing including high employee turnover and dissatisfied customers. Both are key contributing factors to decreasing revenues and profitability. Ones that are extremely difficult to recover from unless there’s a firm commitment and plan to change. By the way, the time to do so is right now!

How will you set a positive example within your organization this week?

Have a great week. Make it happen. Make it count!



Paul Segreto
Paul Segreto

Written by Paul Segreto

Passionate about igniting entrepreneurial spirit and empowering others to achieve the American Dream.

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