Sunday Night Motivation & Inspiration
In the past, Sundays at Acceler8Success Cafe consisted of a weekly review with links to each day’s article from the preceding week. Considering that each article from day one is already listed at Acceler8Success Cafe, I feel it’s redundant and of little value to post a weekly review with links to the same articles.
My thoughts were confirmed as I asked a number of subscribers their opinions of the weekly review and whether a different direction should be taken for a Sunday article. They agreed to a change in direction and most thought some type of motivational or inspirational messaging would be of value, as well as complement the level of content being delivered each day at Acceler8Success Cafe. It was agreed that Sunday nights would be perfect as many do try to spend some time preparing for the week ahead.
As such, I’m excited to announce that the recurring article, Sunday Night Motivation & Inspiration will be published by 8 PM every Sunday evening at Acceler8Success Cafe beginning Sunday, August 21st. My goal is to provide a positive foundation for the week ahead as an extension of my commitment to helping current and aspiring entrepreneurs achieve and accelerate their success.
As we move forward, I’ll look forward to your comments and suggestions. In fact, they’re always greatly appreciated!
Have a great week. Make it happen. Make it count!