Weekends & Entrepreneurs
It’s the weekend and entrepreneurs need rest and relaxation just the same as others. However, entrepreneurs always keep their eyes and ears open for possibilities and opportunities.
They always keep their minds sharp in order to be able to evaluate and act upon the same. They always strive to stay fit to be prepared for grueling schedules and long days.
Nevertheless, taking care of mental and physical health certainly does not mean being complacent and lazy. Success is about balance… and focus on achieving goals!
9 Ways Successful Entrepreneurs Spend Their Weekends
Successful entrepreneurs have a passion for what they do, so working hard is part of their DNA. But anyone who is successful also recognizes that life and work are a marathon, not a sprint. Even they need downtime on the weekend to ensure they’re up to the task of being creative problem solvers and innovators Monday through Friday.
Sure, they may spend some time catching up on administrative work. They may spend time on a big project that needs special attention. And they should definitely spend time thinking about the future and considering the big picture.
But what successful entrepreneurs don’t do is spend the entire weekend buried under work. We all need a break, and entrepreneurs are no less immune to burnout than anyone else. Their weekends are spent restoring their bodies and minds and getting prepared to function optimally come Monday.
Read about nine things successful entrepreneurs do over the weekend to unwind and re-energize for the week ahead HERE.
“If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.” –Jim Rohn